New Year's Resolutions
By Cody Galloway, TULA Chief Experience Officer
I don’t love the dialog around needing to change everything about your diet, your workout routines, your rituals, what you pack in your kids lunch, how you organize your closet etc. just because there is a new number on the calendar. We shouldn’t feel this overwhelming expectation to suddenly do everything different, better, cleaner, healthier. That is so unrealistic…and yet at least for me- that pressure is very real every, single, year. Sure, it’s a great time to reflect and maybe adjust but do you know what’s going to happen if you roll into the new year without changing one single thing? (wait for it…) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
I get it, some people thrive on resolutions and live for setting goals and crushing them starting January 1st, and that’s great. The notion of a fresh start for some can be a really powerful driver to make some positive changes. If that’s you- AWESOME, go for it, I will cheer you on each and every step of the way- it’s just not for everyone. I do the same thing every year. I make resolutions (lots of them) only to inevitably break them a few weeks later and then get in a downward spiral of hoping on (and off) the ‘well I already screwed up this year so might as well just go all the way’ wagon. I consider it a win if I even remember what my very serious resolutions were in June.
SO- if you’re anything like me and it’s not for you-here are a few anti-resolution resolutions for 2022 that I am going to work on and I’d love to invite you to join me. I promise you they aren’t the kind that make you feel like a failure if you don’t follow through, just a little lighter if you do.
1. Ask for help MORE - Note which chores, errands or tasks are your least favorite- you know those ones that you push to the bottom of your list over and over again because you never ‘feel’ like doing them? Underline them, star them, circle them- and then send them to TULA. We promise you it’s even more satisfying having them done when you weren’t the one that had to do them…and YES I totally need more TULA in my life too.
2. Do LESS - Protect your time, and save your ‘Yes’s’ for things that you truly WANT/NEED to do. To help with this I’ve started blocking out time for ME on my calendar. This is the one I probably need the most help with. I’m not talking about just social functions, it’s the school fundraisers, the family functions, the playdates, the after school activities, the last-minute meetings… it’s the ‘should do’s’ that sneak into that personal time you block out on your calendar. Prioritize the time for you before those things. I find that as long as I respect that chunk of time as if it was a can’t miss meeting-all of the other things feel way more manageable.
3. Laugh & Listen MORE – What makes you laugh? If I am being honest…those that know me well are probably wondering why I am trying to laugh MORE than I already do. I generally have a goofy, weird, silly outlook on life. I LOVE to laugh. BUT there are days that I don’t and I feel them…at my core. I think these two go hand and hand because sometimes life has a way when it gets hard to just go through the motions…I stop listening- I just ‘do’. When I start listening…most of the time it’s only a matter of time before I start laughing…and I am reminded of what’s important.
Happy New Year! Wishing you a year filled with laughter, love, more time for you and balance (whatever that means or looks like to you).