Sharing THE BIG TO-DO list: Tips for dividing the household tasks
TULA was born out of a need we both very much felt in our core. We were both working very full time stressful jobs with lots of traveling, and coming home each evening where we were responsible for the majority of the household tasks. The school activities, the presents for the birthday parties the coming weekend, the sports sign ups, the school lunches, the kids dentist appointments, the teacher gifts, the laundry the list goes on and on...these were things that felt like weren't on anyone's radar but ours...and for me personally I didn't know how to talk about that with my partner without it feeling accusatory or like I was keeping score. It is very much a part of our core mission to bring awareness and a VALUE to that time, and very simply...to make it easier to ask for help (even from those living under the same roof).
It has been pretty life changing to have the 'household to-do list' as a part of our daily conversations (thank you, TULA). Here are some handy tips for families to better divide household tasks, and avoid burn out.
1. Make and Share a List
You know we love a good list...and we think it's also a great place to start when it comes to sharing of tasks. While household chores are never-ending, they also change seasonally, or as your kids age etc. As a team, make a list out everything that needs to get done on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Then divide that list together. Make sure you are in agreement on who is responsible for what and that neither partner feels overloaded with whats on their plate.
2. Have An Execution Plan.
It’s so important to divide and conquer the workload at home— Just like other projects in our life, household duties require tooling for organization, daily communication and task management. There are lots of tools families can use, from shared calendars, to apps, to post-it notes. Find what works best for your family.
3. Involve EVERYONE.
It’s of course great that you and your partner share the workload— but the kids can help, too! It’s never too early to start teaching your children responsibility, independence and self-accountability. Whether they’re learning to put their dishes in the dishwasher, or their clothes in the hamper as toddlers, or setting the table for dinner, involve them in your routines & chores. They’ll feel like they contributed, and. be proud of themselves. It will build their self-esteem to hear how much you appreciate them helping cross things off the list!
4. Ask For Help!
Sometimes we simply can’t do it all. Know when to ask for help. Whether that's grabbing take out for dinner (because cooking after a long day just isn't on the menu), or asking a grandparent to pick the kids up from school one day, finding help with cleaning the house, or grab some TULA hours to cross off all the things you've been pushing to the bottom of the list for months- there is huge value in outsourcing the items that don't serve you. It is okay to ask for help. Trust us. It's actually pretty magical.